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segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2013

'Prayer of a Lord's Severant' (Psychographed by Chico Xavier)

"Lord, tech us to tread the luminous path of helping our brothers and sisters.  Give us the strenght to tear down the heavy fortress that harbors our own faults and mistakes.  Courage, to start on the path that will set us free from our old selves.  And the means for opening our hearts in favour of our fellow creatures, offering them, at long last, the treasures of love that You entrusted us with.  So that, wherever we go, suffering becomes less excruciating, ignorance less forceful, hate less cruel, darkness less harsh, discouragement less dismal, and prejudice less destructive.  While we still lack the moral virtues to enrich our journey on Earth, help us in alleviating the sorrows that surround us.  Be it that in Your name we may spread fraternity and renovation, using with joy the sublime and invisible gifts of silence, undestanding, and renunciation.  Lord, You taught us, without words, the supreme lessons of the simplicity of the manger and the sacrifice on the cross, thus showing us the path for the strengthening of our spirits and the divine ressurrection.  Guide our hesitant steps and sustain our blessed intentions, so that Your will, merciful and just, becomes manifest in our hearts, for us and to us, today and forever, whereever we may be.  And so be it."    Prayer by Emmnuel (Spirit), psychographed by Chico Xavier

"Lord, tech us to tread the luminous path of helping our brothers and sisters.

Give us the strenght to tear down the heavy fortress that harbors our own faults and mistakes.

Courage, to start on the path that will set us free from our old selves.

And the means for opening our hearts in favour of our fellow creatures, offering them, at long last, the treasures of love that You entrusted us with.

So that, wherever we go, suffering becomes less excruciating, ignorance less forceful, hate less cruel, darkness less harsh, discouragement less dismal, and prejudice less destructive.

While we still lack the moral virtues to enrich our journey on Earth, help us in alleviating the sorrows that surround us.

Be it that in Your name we may spread fraternity and renovation, using with joy the sublime and invisible gifts of silence, undestanding, and renunciation.

Lord, You taught us, without words, the supreme lessons of the simplicity of the manger and the sacrifice on the cross, thus showing us the path for the strengthening of our spirits and the divine ressurrection.

Guide our hesitant steps and sustain our blessed intentions, so that Your will, merciful and just, becomes manifest in our hearts, for us and to us, today and forever, wherever we may be.

And so be it."

Prayer by Emmnuel (Spirit), psychographed by Chico Xavier (1910/2002)

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