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segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2020

Prayers for Protection, to Oneself and Another

Prayer for Oneself

"Lord God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you in the name of the Lord Jesus. 

I ask that I may have the powerful protection that comes form the Precious Blood of Your Son that was poured out for me on the cross at Calvary. 

In the name of Your Son, the Lord Jesus, I ask that you send angels to protect and defend me from any attack of the enemy and to defend all the members of my family, my friends and loved ones. 

Protect and bless everyone who has asked me to pray for them.

Give me the grace to hear your voice and the courage to walk in your ways. 

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who will come again in the fullness of his glory. To him be glory and praise, now and forever. 


Prayer for Another

"Father in heaven, I lift up (name) to you in the name of Your Son the Lord Jesus.

In Jesus' name I ask You to release warrior angels to drive away from (him/her) any evil spirits that may be harassing, controlling, attacking or deceiving (him/her).

Let your servant (name) enjoy the powerful protection that comes from the Precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, which was shed for (him/her) on Calvary.

Let (him/her) hear Your voice and always walk in Your ways. 


"Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love You, Save Souls"

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