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sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2020

Prayer to Saint Barbara

Prayer to Saint Barbara for protection and blessings.  Saint Barbara is often portrayed holding a chalice and sword and a tower behind, sometimes with cannons depicted by her side.
Saint Barbara, known in the Eastern Orthodox Church as the Great Martyr Barbara, was an early Christian Greek saint and martyr. Saint Barbara is often portrayed holding a chalice and sword and a tower behind, sometimes with cannons depicted by her side (as in beside picture of an holly card). 

As one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, Barbara continues to be a popular saint in modern times, perhaps best known as the patron saint of armourers, artillerymen, military engineers, miners and others who work with explosives because of her legend's association with lightning, and also of mathematicians. 

A 15th-century French version of her story credits her with thirteen miracles, many turn on the security she offered that her devotees would not die before getting to make confession and receiving extreme unction.

Your feast day is celebrated on December 4.

Prayer to St. Barbara

"Saint Barbara, your courage is much stronger than the forces of hurricanes and the power of lightening.

Be always by our side so that we, like you, may face all storms, wars, trials and tribulations with the same fortitude with which you faced yours.

O Beautiful Maiden once imprisoned in a high tower, protect us from the lightning and fire that rages in the sky and the discord of war.

Keep us alert and protect us from the dangers that surround us.

Holy Mary Mother of Jesus intercessor for us all; we pray to assure receiving of the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist at the hour of our death.

Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, 

With Catholic secular folklore informations - Image: Traditional holy card design for Saint Barbara

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