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terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2015

7 Prayers for Our Nature, Environment and Sustainability

Let's Pray for our Common Home!

Prayer of St. Francis  "Dear Mother earth, Who day by day unfolds rich blessing on our way,  O Praise God! Alleluia!  The fruits and flowers that verdant grow, Let them his praise abundant show.  O praise God, O praise God, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia."  - St. Francis

Canticle of the Creatures

"All praise be yours, My Lord
through all that you have made.

And first my lord Brother Sun, who brings the day...
How beautiful is he, how radiant in all his splendor!
Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Moon and Stars;
In the heavens you have made them, bright and precious and fair.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and Air...

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Water,
So useful, lowly, precious and pure.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Brother Fire,
through whom you brighten up the night...

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth, our mother,
Who feeds us...and produces various fruits
With colored flowers and herbs...

Praise and bless my Lord, and give him thanks,
And serve him with great humility."

- Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi

Prayer of St. Francis

"Dear Mother earth,
Who day by day unfolds rich blessing on our way,

O Praise God! Alleluia!

The fruits and flowers that verdant grow,
Let them his praise abundant show.

O praise God, O praise God, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia."

A Prayer for Our Environment from Pope Francis 'Laudato Si'

"All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.

You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.

Pour out upon us the power of your love,
that we may protect life and beauty.

Fill us with peace, that we may live
as brothers and sisters, harming no one.

O God of the poor,
help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes.

Bring healing to our lives,
that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction.

Touch the hearts
of those who look only for gain
at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
to be filled with awe and contemplation,
to recognize that we are profoundly united
with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.

We thank you for being with us each day.
Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle
for justice, love and peace.

An Amazing Day

"I thank You God for most this amazing
day: for leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes."

We Thank You, Creator God

"We thank you, creator God,
for the goodly heritage you offer us,
from green downland
to the deep salt seas,
and for the abundant world
we share with your creation.

Keep us so mindful of its needs
and those of all with whom we share,
that open to your Spirit
we may discern and practice
all that makes for its wellbeing,
through Jesus Christ our Lord."

- Rev. Peter Lippiett

Holy Spirit, We need Your Help

"Holy Spirit we need help!
Our planetary home is hurting;
global warming and climate change
with millions of humans uprooted,
and fish, flower and fauna
facing dire extinction.
Holy Spirit hear us!

We stewards of creation
plead human need for counsel
before using our God given gifts
communally with many others
to repair the harm of our greed
with faith in your guidance.
Holy Spirit help us!

We are too ego bent
to one colour of the spectrum,
our need is urgent for inspiration
so truths of our baptismal faith
rend our stubborn hearts
to solidarity of intent.
Holy Spirit inspire us!

We await clergys’ help
ordained to pilot our prayers
within our sacramental sanctuaries
sustaining our own lay callings
for social and eco-justice;
help heal our home.
Holy Spirit guide us!"

A Prayer about Nature and God's Creation
"Loving Father and Creator
of all we come to you today
deeply grateful for your creation.

As we look around us
we are amazed at the greatness
and majesty of all that you have made.

Nature around us speaks of your greatness
the vast expanse of the sky, the mountains,
trees, lakes and streams speak of your great design.

You have given us such beauty
in the colors of the rainbow,
the beauty of flowers and fields.

Words cannot adequately express
the magnificence of all you have created.

We join in praise with the writer of the psalms
when he says,
'O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.' 

May we show our love and reverence 
to you, our Lord, by caring for all that you 
have created. 
We humbly give you praise and thanks."


- Writer Unknown

Image: Barbara Jackson 'Prayer' (CC0 - Public Domain) - Detail
Edited wit Prayer of St. Francis Pray by this blog - May God bless our common home and all us!

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