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terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

Prayer to Saint Joseph

"May St. Joseph bless your family and your work  Glorious St. Joseph  model of all who are devoted to labor,  obtain for me the grace  to work conscientiously  by placing love of duty above my inclinations;  to gratefully and joyously deem it  an honor to employ and to develop by labor  the gifts I have received from God,  to work methodically, peacefully,  in moderation and patience,  without ever shrinking from it through difficulty to work;  above all, with purity of intention and unselfishness,  having unceasingly before my eyes  the account I have to render of time lost,  talents unused, good not done,  and vain complacency in success.  St. Joseph, inspire and guide me for the time to come."  Amen!


"May St. Joseph bless your family and your work

Glorious St. Joseph

model of all who are devoted to labor,

obtain for me the grace

to work conscientiously

by placing love of duty above my inclinations;

to gratefully and joyously deem it

an honor to employ and to develop by labor

the gifts I have received from God,

to work methodically, peacefully,

in moderation and patience,

without ever shrinking from it through difficulty to work;

above all, with purity of intention and unselfishness,

having unceasingly before my eyes

the account I have to render of time lost,

talents unused, good not done,

and vain complacency in success.

St. Joseph, inspire and guide me for the time to come."



Prayer by Paulo Coelho

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