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domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Saint Michael the Archangel powerful prayer to make an petition

Saint Michael the Archangel powerful Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel powerful Prayer and Novena  "St. Michael the Archangel, we honor you as a powerful protector of the Church and guardian of our souls. Inspire us with your humility, courage and strength that we may reject sin and perfect our love for our Heavenly Father.  In your strength and humility, slay the evil and pride in our hearts so that nothing will keep us from God.  St. Michael the Archangel, pray that we may be blessed by God with the zeal to live our lives in accordance with Christ’s teachings.  St. Michael the Archangel, you are the prince of angels but in your humility,  you recognized that God is God and you are but His servant. Unlike Satan, you were not overcome with pride but were steadfast in humility. Pray that we will have this same humility.  It is in the spirit of that humility that we ask for your intercession for our petitions… (state your petitions)  Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.  In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.   Amen!"
Pedoulas, Church of Archangel Michael, Mother of God with Christ (Pedhoulas, Nicosia District, Cyprus)

St. Michael the Archangel powerful Prayer and Novena

"St. Michael the Archangel, we honor you as a powerful protector of the Church and guardian of our souls. Inspire us with your humility, courage and strength that we may reject sin and perfect our love for our Heavenly Father.

In your strength and humility, slay the evil and pride in our hearts so that nothing will keep us from God.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray that we may be blessed by God with the zeal to live our lives in accordance with Christ’s teachings.

St. Michael the Archangel, you are the prince of angels but in your humility,  you recognized that God is God and you are but His servant. Unlike Satan, you were not overcome with pride but were steadfast in humility. Pray that we will have this same humility.

It is in the spirit of that humility that we ask for your intercession for our petitions… (state your petitions)

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Powerful Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian

 Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian

Feast Day: September, 27    Powerful  Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian   "Oh glorious martyrs of Christ,  Saints Cosmas and Damian,  you gave your lives for the love of God,  benefiting your fellow man,  and crowning your martyrdom with an open and loyal profession of your faith.  You taught us to love God above all things,  and to love our fellow man as ourselves,  professing always,  and without fear,  the religion of Jesus.   Augmenting amongst the faithful populace many miracles,  you are glorious indeed.  Through your intercession,  which brings about deliverance of these miracles,  we pray to you for your aid in all things.  May your patronage never be far from us in the illness of our body and soul.   Oh great protectors,  Saints Cosmas & Damian,  assist us with your love and free us from all evils.  Amen."
Beheading of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian - Fra Angelico (1438-40) Tempera on wood, 36 x 46 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Feast Day: September, 27

 Powerful  Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian 

"Oh glorious martyrs of Christ, 
Saints Cosmas and Damian, 
you gave your lives for the love of God, 
benefiting your fellow man, 
and crowning your martyrdom with an open and loyal profession of your faith. 
You taught us to love God above all things, 
and to love our fellow man as ourselves, 
professing always, 
and without fear, 
the religion of Jesus. 

Augmenting amongst the faithful populace many miracles, 
you are glorious indeed. 
Through your intercession, 
which brings about deliverance of these miracles, 
we pray to you for your aid in all things. 
May your patronage never be far from us in the illness of our body and soul. 

Oh great protectors, 
Saints Cosmas & Damian, 
assist us with your love and free us from all evils.


sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

A Prayer for Living We are all Brothers and Sisters "Fratelli Tutti"

A Prayer for Living "Fratelli Tutti"

 "When our lofty words of love have been emptied of their meaning,

When our borders and computer screens have erected impenetrable walls,

When our minds are so quick to conflate "other" with "enemy,"

How will we find our common humanity?

It's never too late to make an earnest and tender start.

May we remove from our pockets the stones we intended to throw

And cement them together to build a home that welcomes all.

May we repent of our indifference and move into genuine encounter.

Instead of drawing battle lines,

May we draw our chairs up to a communal table,

Where we can feast in the knowledge of our shared dignity.

May God grant us the holy vision

To see every human being a sacred mystery,

And may we love each mystery not abstractly, but concretely.

Just as Thomas touched the wounds of Jesus,

May we be unafraid to touch the wounds of our suffering neighbor.

May we lay down our arms and offer our outstretched hands,

Until there is no "them," but only "us,"

Until we are at last, sisters and brothers, all.


Source: Prayer by Cameron Bellm (Xavier University's Center for Mission and Identity) - Image: Pixabay (Free)

sábado, 7 de setembro de 2013

Meditando a Bíblia: 1 Coríntios 15:50-55

"50 E agora digo isto, irmãos: que a carne e o sangue não podem herdar o reino de Deus, nem a corrupção herdar a incorrupção.  51 Eis aqui vos digo um mistério: Na verdade, nem todos dormiremos, mas todos seremos transformados;  52 Num momento, num abrir e fechar de olhos, ante a última trombeta; porque a trombeta soará, e os mortos ressuscitarão incorruptíveis, e nós seremos transformados.  53 Porque convém que isto que é corruptível se revista da incorruptibilidade, e que isto que é mortal se revista da imortalidade.  54 E, quando isto que é corruptível se revestir da incorruptibilidade, e isto que é mortal se revestir da imortalidade, então cumprir-se-á a palavra que está escrita: Tragada foi a morte na vitória.  55 Onde está, ó morte, o teu aguilhão? Onde está, ó inferno, a tua vitória?"

"50 E agora digo isto, irmãos: que a carne e o sangue não podem herdar o reino de Deus, nem a corrupção herdar a incorrupção.

51 Eis aqui vos digo um mistério: Na verdade, nem todos dormiremos, mas todos seremos transformados;

52 Num momento, num abrir e fechar de olhos, ante a última trombeta; porque a trombeta soará, e os mortos ressuscitarão incorruptíveis, e nós seremos transformados.

53 Porque convém que isto que é corruptível se revista da incorruptibilidade, e que isto que é mortal se revista da imortalidade.

54 E, quando isto que é corruptível se revestir da incorruptibilidade, e isto que é mortal se revestir da imortalidade, então cumprir-se-á a palavra que está escrita: Tragada foi a morte na vitória.

55 Onde está, ó morte, o teu aguilhão? Onde está, ó inferno, a tua vitória?"

1 Coríntios 15:50-55

Fonte: Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Corrigida Fiel: (ACF) '1 Coríntios'

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