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sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

April 23 ☧ Prayer to Saint George

I will go dressed and armed with the weapons of Saint George so that my enemies, having feet will not reach me; having hands will not trap me; having eyes will not see me, neither with thought can they cause me harm.

Firearms will not reach my body; knives and swords will break without touching my body, ropes and chains will break without tying my body.

Jesus Christ protects and defends me with the power of His Holy and Divine Grace.

The Virgin of Nazareth covers me with her sacred and divine mantle, protecting me in all my dolors and afflictions.

And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful arms, defending me with your strength and your greatness; and may my enemies underneath your feet become humble and submissive to you.

So Be it in the Power of God, of Jesus Christ and of the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen


George's was enlisted in cavalry
I'm happy because I'm in his company ...

I will walk dress and armed with clothes and weapons of St. George,
For my enemies have feet and do not reach me,
For my enemies have hands and do not touch me,
For my enemies have eyes and do not see me,
And not even in thought they might make bad things to me.
Because I will walk dressed and armed with Saint George's clothes and weapons.

Hail George!
Hail George!
Hail George!

Firearms will not reach my body,
Knives and spears to break without touching my body,
Ropes and chains to burst without my body tie.
Because I will walk dressed and armed with Saint Jorge's clothes and weapons.

Hail George!
Hail George!
Hail George!

I raise my prayer to Holy Trinity, Saint George, Archangels, Angels and all the Heavenly Hosts to be protected today and always.

Hail glorious St. George!


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